Forensics rehearsal
2:30-3:30 Zoom meeting code: 880 1037 8439 Pass code: 4n6
2:30-3:30 Zoom meeting code: 880 1037 8439 Pass code: 4n6
Schedule for the Week Tuesday- ODDWednesday- EVENThursday- ODDFriday- EVEN Forensics 1/2 1- Review ballots 2- Continue OPP quick write activity 3- OPP Brainstorm
2:30-3:30 Zoom meeting code: 880 1037 8439 Pass code: 4n6
OPP Rough draft DUE Friday, May 28 by 11:59 PM Send to label 7/your name/opp rough draft
1- ALL LATE WORK DUE today by 4 PM, NO EXCEPTIONS OI A2 Comp text with intro Comp Video OPP start starters FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS: send to label period/your
Orientation for the Company 1- About Me! 2- 91 tour 3- Company/Rehearsal spaces tour 4- Syllabus, contract 5- Handbook 6- Class and Company websites