Intro to Theatre | Rachel Cribbs-Hibler Intro to Theatre | Rachel Cribbs-Hibler

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Intro to Theatre

09/26/2022 09/30/2022

Weekly Schedule:

Monday- Traditional Meeting

Tuesday- ODD

Wednesday- EVEN

Thursday- ODD

Friday- EVEN

Tony Tuesday

Book of Mormon

Analysis 1 due: Wed, Dec 7

Analysis 2 due: Wed, May 31

Tony-Tuesday-response Download

Intro to Theatre

1- Vocab week 3

Vocab Week 3Download

Vocabulary Download

2- Pantomime Rehearsal

Students will continue rehearsal for their pantomime scenes. Students will be required to write a script and take notes for their scenes. Scripts are a list of every physical and facial in the order they are performed. Scripts and notes will be turned in on performance day for a grade.

3- Pantomime assignment

pantomime-rubric Download

Pantomime Assignment Download