Intro to Theatre | Rachel Cribbs-Hibler Intro to Theatre | Rachel Cribbs-Hibler

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Intro to Theatre

03/07/2023 03/10/2023

Weekly Schedule


Tuesday- ODD

Wednesday- EVEN

Thursday- ODD

Friday- EVEN

Tony Tuesday

Next to Normal

Analysis 2 due: Wed, May 31

Tony-Tuesday-response Download

Intro to Theatre

Wednesday- SUB DAY 4 period- I will be on campus at the performance of Something Rotten! You may be sent to another class. You are expected to run final rehearsal of your scene. Write Tony Tuesday response

1- Rehearsal

All classes will rehearse their scenes with props, set and tech

2- Period 4 performances on Friday., March 10. Google doc due, script due

send to, label period/your name/show name

3- Period 5- rehearsal