Directors- RSA Seniors | Rachel Cribbs-Hibler Directors- RSA Seniors | Rachel Cribbs-Hibler

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Directors- RSA Seniors

03/27/2023 03/31/2023

Weekly Schedule

Monday- Traditional meeting

Tuesday- Traditional

Wednesday- Traditional

Thursday- Traditional

Friday- Traditional

Tony Tuesday

Fun Home

Analysis 2 due: Wed, May 31

Tony-Tuesday-response Download

Directors- RSA Seniors

1- Character information- One Acts

Students must have all character information for actors prior to first read through:

name, age, pace, adjectives

2- Scene work “Sorry, Wrong Number”

Directors will work with first years on scenes from “Sorry, Wrong Number”. Each group of directors will be given 3 pages of the script to stage and work with actors. Directors can divide up their pages between each other. Cast each part using the actors in your casts

Kennedy/Abby pages 148-153

Juan/Logan/Avery pages 154-159

Nick/Sophia/Jonas pages 160-165

3- Google doc

Directors will create a google doc for notes and research for “Sorry, Wrong Number”. Label: 3/your name/sorrywrongnumber